Moroccan Dinner

An escape from their everyday work environment and an unexpected retreat to experience Morocco among friends was on the agenda for the evening. Creating a lush Moroccan oasis, we transformed the poolside outdoor area into a warm, inviting, interactive and entertaining event.

With the use of shimmering linens in hues of reds and gold, an elaborate Moroccan tent with soft cushioned benches and hand-selected pillows created a warm and cozy seating area for guests to relax, and lanterns strung in the trees and placed around the pool cast an ambient glow to elicit instantaneous “wow” reactions from our guests. A Moroccan culinary feast was served, Moroccan music played sweet melodies in the evening air, belly dancers enticed and entertained, henna tattoo artists adorned many wrists, and a fortune-teller mesmerized and captivated guests, adding a delightfully mystic flair to their night.